Home with a Heart, The Art of Homemaking is an easy, step-by-step program to use on your own. This was the original intent of my handbooks before homemaking schools were developed.
I wrote the program from my heart specifically to single moms to help them with every practical aspect of responsibility that I thought was needed. Now many other women are benefiting from Home with a Heart as well.
The 12-Week Plan in the Planning for Success booklet walks you through each step. You choose which goals are applicable to your needs now and the balance can be referred to at a later time when it may be more meaningful to you.
It is so much fun to take charge of your life and gain control of areas that you never thought you could. And the greatest benefit is that you have the skills for life! When you get overwhelmed again, like I sometimes do, you just go back to the 12-Week Plan and order is restored very quickly.
You will find many helpful suggestions in Parenting. However, a lot of women find that parenting is so much easier once they spend time reducing clutter and developing systems to run the home well on a day-to-day basis.
Children love the changes and stability that Home with a Heart brings to the home as routine makes them feel loved. Something as simple as having clean laundry for gym day says you care about your children’s needs.
In the chapter on laundry in Handbook 1, Organizing Your Household, I wrote, “It isn’t my laundry I love; it is my children.”
While doing the program on your own, you can always ask a friend, relative or another woman for a little support, if needed. You will be glad that you took the time to benefit you and your family for life.
I wrote the program from my heart specifically to single moms to help them with every practical aspect of responsibility that I thought was needed. Now many other women are benefiting from Home with a Heart as well.
The 12-Week Plan in the Planning for Success booklet walks you through each step. You choose which goals are applicable to your needs now and the balance can be referred to at a later time when it may be more meaningful to you.
It is so much fun to take charge of your life and gain control of areas that you never thought you could. And the greatest benefit is that you have the skills for life! When you get overwhelmed again, like I sometimes do, you just go back to the 12-Week Plan and order is restored very quickly.
You will find many helpful suggestions in Parenting. However, a lot of women find that parenting is so much easier once they spend time reducing clutter and developing systems to run the home well on a day-to-day basis.
Children love the changes and stability that Home with a Heart brings to the home as routine makes them feel loved. Something as simple as having clean laundry for gym day says you care about your children’s needs.
In the chapter on laundry in Handbook 1, Organizing Your Household, I wrote, “It isn’t my laundry I love; it is my children.”
While doing the program on your own, you can always ask a friend, relative or another woman for a little support, if needed. You will be glad that you took the time to benefit you and your family for life.